A Levy? What’s That?


A Levy? What’s That? 

IRS and Other Asset Levies Explained 

Falling behind on your debts is never a fun place to be. It’s less fun when a  levy is placed on your assets. In this article, we will explain what an IRS levy  is, why it happens, and what you can do about it.

Note: If you have any tax trouble or owe more than $10k to the IRS or state  but can’t pay in full, contact our firm today. We help people find tax relief  https://mytaxcoaching.com/tax-resolution-dearborn-michigan/. Many times, we can resolve your IRS levy  without you having to talk to the IRS. Call today.

What is an IRS Levy? 

Simply put, if you owe back taxes and you avoid the IRS, the IRS can seize  your property, take money from your bank accounts, or sell your assets in  order to satisfy the balance due.

The IRS will give you plenty of notices via mail before they take this step. If  you do not pay the debt or make payment arrangements by the specified  date, the IRS will try to take the amount of the levy directly out of your  bank account.

Other types of levies 

Private creditors may issue a levy against your bank account with a court  order. Court orders are not mandatory for levies by government agencies.  The creditor is obliged to notify you of the upcoming levy at least 21 days

before removing any funds from your account. You may not withdraw  money or close the account during this waiting period.

Funds earned from child support, social security, unemployment, workers’  compensation settlements and certain other types of government agency  payments are exempt from levy. You must ask for the exemption and offer  proof of the source of the funds.

Wage Garnishments 

Government agencies may also garnish an employee’s wages for back taxes,  child support and other delinquent payments mandated by law.

The IRS has the authority to levy up to 85 percent of the employee’s  paycheck. The levy notice will be sent to your company’s payroll or human  resources department. You must then withhold the appropriate amount of  money from the employee’s paycheck and send it to the IRS or state tax  board. The employee must arrange a wage garnishment release if he/she is  able to work out a payment arrangement.

If you owe back taxes, the IRS may levy most payments from federal  agencies. This includes railroad retirement benefits, Medicare supplier and  provider payments, payments on contracts between your company and a

government agency, federal retirement annuities and travel  reimbursements.

You may apply for a hardship exemption if the levy will cause your  company undue financial distress. Companies going through bankruptcy  proceedings are automatically excused from IRS levies.

Seizing Your Assets 

The IRS may also seize your real estate and personal property such as a car,  RV or boat. You will receive a 30-day notice indicating that seizures will  follow if you do not pay your outstanding taxes or contact the IRS to make  payment arrangements. This authority also extends to property and money  you own that are being held by another party, such as life insurance cash  value. The government sells its seized property at auction to recover some  of the funds owed by delinquent taxpayers.

What To Do If You Have An IRS Levy 

Back taxes don’t just go away if you ignore them long enough. Putting your  head in the sand will cause the problem to get worse.

If you have back tax debt, we suggest you reach out to our firm right away.  Our clients never have to talk to the IRS, and tax resolution through our  firm can save you money and time in the long run. You may also be eligible  for other IRS relief programs or get your penalties reduced or removed.  Reach out to our firm today for a consultation. [add your contact page  link]. Photo by Jonathan Cooper on Unsplash